There is an old saying that if you think it is expensive to hire a professional, it is MORE expensive NOT to hire one. Why take the risk of building an encrypted network yourself? Our Encrypted Network Discovery Retainer gives you access to Dwight Brown, the premier encrypted network and marketing consultant expert in the world, with over 966 mobile security clients and has worked with virtually all the top PGP encrypted network companies in the industry. With this knowledge base is at your fingertips and with contacts in the industry, you will be confident that when it comes to your encrypted communications platform, you will be able to engage us as we plan and map out your very own mobile encrypted network. Let Dwight’s team perform this critical task and provide the necessary road map for you!
There are so many considerations to building a network like:
- Cloud or on premise?
- white label or native install?
- BlackBerry OS7, BlackBerry 10, Android, iOS?
- what country to host in?
- SIM cards?
- hardware?
- support?
…the list and considerations are a mile long. With our Discovery Retainer you will have a ready made blueprint to get up and running quicker than you can by going it yourself. We will credit back your discovery retainer on any project our company is hired to do.